Colors & palettes
Cross-browser support
- 8 CSS Tools for Better Web Design at Designer Daily
- CSS3 Code Snippets at WebInterfaceLab, collection of open source UI components, includes animated progress bar, file download widget, profile popover, sliding tags, tabbed navigation with drop down menus, to do list, toggle switches, top bar with notifications
- CSS3 Generator generates CSS for border radius, box shadows, @font-face, etc.
- CSS Reference at
- CSS Selector Reference at
- The Shapes of CSS to make block-level elements appear as squares, circles, etc. — doesn’t work on old browsers
- Top 30 CSS Tools & Applications for Developers at skytech geek
- Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator generates CSS for gradient backgrounds
Data visualization
Design tools
- See also: Icons > Icons as fonts
- 20 Must See CSS3 & jQuery Tutorials at Desizntech
- iosSlider, touch-enabled jQuery horizontal slider plugin (cross-browser content slider, carousel, scrolling website banner, or image gallery), at iosScripts
- stickyMojo, sticky sidebar jQuery plugin, cross-browser and responsive design compatible
- See also: HTML > jQuery plugin polyfill for placeholder
jQuery Mobile
Responsive design
Responsive design/CSS frameworks
- 15 More Responsive CSS Frameworks & Boilerplates worth Considering at Speckyboy
- 15 Responsive CSS Frameworks Worth Considering, from Speckyboy
- Less Framework 4 (4 adaptive layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all based on a single grid) — succeeded by Frameless
- Foundation (12-column, future-friendly responsive grid framework with many styles and elements)
- MQFramework (based on a 12-column grid)
- Golden Grid System (folding grid with 18 columns, 16 for content)
- Fluid Baseline Grid (built with typographic standard in mind, includes CSS normalization, beautiful typographic standards, and corrected common browser inconsistencies)
- Columnal (1140px-wide responsive grid system)
- Semantic Grid System (lets you set column and gutter widths, choose number of columns, and switch between pixels and percentages)
- 1140px CSS Grid System (designed to fit perfectly with a 1280px screen, becoming fluid for smaller screens)
- Skeleton (small collection of CSS and JS files based on a lightweight 960 grid)
- 320 and Up starts with a tiny screen style sheet and loads other assets progressively as they are needed
- See also: CSS > Top 30 CSS Tools & Applications for Developers
Utility pages